
8/1/2023 RZ-2023-00674: SHAH Development LLC; Rezoning to Multi-Family Residential (RM-1)


Owner/Applicant: SHAH Development, LLC

Agent: Foresight Design Services

Site Location Houchins Rd. | Parcel ID: 018437 & Parcel ID: 018441

A request by Shah Development, LLC (Agent: Foresight Design Services) to rezone 5.57 acres from Conservation (C-1) to Multi-Family Residential (RM-1) and 21.148 acres from Manufacturing (M-1) to Multi-Family Residential (RM-1), to allow for the development of up to 199 single-family attached (townhome) units. The property is located on Houchins Road (State Rt. 758), approximately 0.15 miles east of the intersection of Houchins Road and Brammer Lane.  The property is further identified as Tax Map 080-A 46 (Parcel ID: 018437), 13.586 acres, and Tax Map 080- A 44 (Parcel ID: 018441), 13.132 acres, in the Shawsville Magisterial District. The property lies in an area designated as Urban Expansion in the 2025 Montgomery County Comprehensive Plan.


Full Application  RZ-2023-00674_Application Packet
Public hearing  